Fast delivery
Good price, fast delivery.
Better than toothpaste
You know that little trick of sticking toothpaste on a persistent pimple. Well, lavender oil is a fantastic substitute for it and it doesn't damage the skin at all.
Unclogs pores and clear out skin
This oil can be used as a toner. In my experience, it unclogs the pores and completely clears any grease from my face. I use it before and after putting makeup on, and absolutely recommend it to anyone.
Decrease in blemishes
Unfortunately my acne hasn't cleared out like I was made to believe it would. However, it is still a fantastic product as blemishes and redness have reduced a lot.
Can apply directly to skin
This is by far the best essential oil for people with oily skin. It can be applied direclty to the skin without a carrier oil so I'm not there adding oil to oil and making things even worse.